How to correct the bad habit of exam stage fright
The relaxation before resembling sports athletics tournament, like adjusting, the parent should be child decompression conciously, let the child feel the exam is a very common thing nevertheless as far as possible, with other days, wh...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:3 Comments:0  
How to write composition of good the university entrance exam!
Chinese all through the ages is the university entrance exam head battle, had hit head battle, crucial. The key of Chinese writes a composition namely, how to write composition of good the university entrance exam? Yesterday, the auth...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:7 Comments:0  
How to make the child does not appear on study " elementary mistake "
Exercise accuracy rate of Xiaoming is not very tall all the time, the achievement of his exam also has the record of full marks rarely. Does the intelligence that is Xiaoming have a problem? Teacher and parent think is not, they are c...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:4 Comments:0  
How to make the child sets his mind at to do a homework
After the child enters the school, a few parents begin to have a headache rise: A lot of children cannot set his mind at to do a homework. Although some children look be like peaceful land to sit over to do a homework, but be in howev...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:2 Comments:0  
Affect the factor of child achievement
A day, receive a telephone call, the phone is the parent that anxious and the sound that does not have arrange: "My that child, 6 grade, but achievement is stupefied,be to go up not to go. I and child his Mom can be gotten urgently! W...
 Author:Stand originallyhits:1 Comments:0